Thursday, January 13, 2011

Operation August Storm

August 8th 2010.  Auckland New Zealand.
To make sense of this whole thing we must start at the beginning.
Its typical winter weather in Auckland. Wind, rain, cold, horizontal rain, strong wind…in short miserable. But we don’t care. Shizuka and I are off to Japan to have another adventure. This time we’ve bought a house in Kyoto prefecture and are about to find out if we can renovate it in the space of 5 weeks.  There are a number of reasons why we bought this house. Business in NZ sucks and making a dollar has become a struggle. We are quite bored with what we are doing right now. The weather here in Auckland is downright depressing at the moment. This house was a court seized the people who owned it had stopped paying the mortgage and the bank foreclosed on the loan. We made a trip in June to check it out and put in our bid with the court. We were the only bidder and so we got it for a really good price. So, here’s a chance to escape winter, forget about business, have a cultural experience and have an asset which should be worth more than we paid for it.

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