Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kei is Cool!

Day2 Tuesday 10th August 2010. Kameoka Japan.
The Awesome Honda Acty!!!!!

Hooked up with Nick and picked up the mighty Honda Acty 4WD kei-truck.
I had some doubts but I have to say its brilliant!
100km/h no problem.  Fits down all the narrow streets here without knocking
over any grandmas.
Best thing though is the expression on the local’s faces when they see me in it.
Thank God the AC works because it’s hot here now....I might have mentioned
that before.
Drove up to Kameoka city where we have rented an apartment for a month while we renovate the house. It’s a near new block so it’s clean and tidy but at 22sq metres it’s the smallest place I have ever spent any time in.  I turned the television on watched it for 30 seconds and then turned it off again. Now I can understand a bit of Japanese and have a fair idea of what’s going on but honestly you wouldn’t want to. Japanese TV is pure garbage.  It consists entirely of inane game shows, chat shows with groups of airhead celebrities talking crap and food shows where some TV star travels to Hokkaido to watch some slimy sea creatures being caught and then cooked and then exaggerates how delicious they are. Luckily this place has kick ass internet speed so we can watch the news from home and steal lots of movies from the web. The neighbours all look like transients.  The worst thing about this place is the Air conditioner. It works brilliantly…but only for 3 hours at a time. It then shuts itself off.  It’s supposed to stop people wasting huge amounts of electricity but the net effect is that you go to sleep at a comfortable (for kiwis) 23 degrees only to wake up later gasping and sweating at 28 degrees. Fumble around for the remote control and then back to sleep when the temperature becomes bearable only to repeat the cycle 3 hours later.


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