Thursday, February 10, 2011

Burning Issues

So that's the end of the narrative of the house project. It has been reconstructed from emails and photos of the time we were there. So until we return to Japan  on another adventure I'll be using these newly acquired skills in computer blogging gibberish to bring you  comments, observations and other informative nonsense at regular intervals. Theres a soapbox in the corner which will be dragged out on occasion and Shizuka will be throwing in her 2 yens worth from time to time.

Last night when conversing with some friends we happened to end up discussing an important question which needs to be addressed. This came up when Charlene mentioned that the local primary school is having a picnic at 7PM. Shane asserted that 7PM is too late for a picnic. I argued that a picnic is simply a light meal eaten outside in a place away from your home and that there is no rule on what time it must be. I know many Japanese have picnics at night while sitting under Sakura trees and watching fireworks. To lay this matter to rest I have decided to conduct a poll. It's Down at the bottom of the page so scroll on down there and check it out.  Please vote so we can sort out this important matter and gain some closure.


  1. I think a picnic is usually during the day and during daylight. Night time is something else all together. I have already voted below.

  2. hello !

    I am looking for a house to buy in kansai (to live, not as investment) and found your blog, I ve had a lot of fun to follow your summer adventure ! Thanks a lot !

    The link I follow up here said you put the house for sale, so if this is now over could you please explain about how much you paid for the house, how much you spend on material and services to renew it, and what kind of sale price you got ?
    Did you had any difficulty to sell it, any remarks or reaction to the refurbished experience ?

    thanks in advance and keep the fun up :)


  3. We have just listed it with an agent this week. The full details in english are here. If you look over to the right under "pages" you will see house for sale. My email address is there so drop me a line if you are interested. I would much prefer to deal with another foreigner and can adjust the price if we don't have to go through an agent. Cheers.

  4. @Japan Australia. thanks for voting. Its an important issue and we value your input!!
